Tracking Certifications
Cybertracker Track & Sign certifications
Photography: Carla Rhodes
Daniel works as a Track & Sign Evaluator with Tracker Certification, offering CyberTracker Conservation’s globally recognised certificates to those who qualify.
Track & Sign certifications serve the dual function of offering the most rigorous certification process available to trackers worldwide while providing an unparalleled educational experience.
These evaluations are anomalous in their capacity to function simultaneously as a workshop and certification. Every question that is asked, once answered by the group, is discussed at length.
Every evaluator has their own style and approach yet offers the same rigorous high-quality process. Daniel excels at relieving test pressure throughout the process, helping participants to stay aware, engage with their nervous systems in healthy ways, and to maintain access to people’s familiarity with track & sign.
Upcoming Track & Sign Certifications
Spur Wander
March 15-16, Jackman ME USA
A Standard 2-Day T&S Certification
Spur Wander
March 29-30, Sneads Ferry NC USA
A Standard 2-Day T&S Certification
Northeast Natural History Conference
April 4, Springfield MA USA
A One-Day T&S Certification
Those scoring >70% receive a Track & Sign Level I Certificate
April 5-6, Chatham NY USA
A Standard 2-Day T&S Certification
Write Dan Yacobellis
Finger Lakes New York
April 12-13, Ithaca NY USA
A Standard 2-Day T&S Certification
Trotting Fox
May 10-11, Greenfield MA USA
A Standard 2-Day T&S Certification
Tracking Connection
May 17-18, Northern Vermont USA
A Standard 2-Day T&S Certification
MinNesota Tracking PRoject
May 24-25, Twin Cities MN USA
A 2-Day T&S Specialist Certification
Write Bill Kass:
NHNRS (NH Nat. Resource Scientists)
June 6, Concord NH USA
A 1-Day T&S Certification
Those scoring >70% receive a Track & Sign Level I Certificate
Vermont Wilderness School
A Standard 2-Day T&S Certification